Social media alternatives for business

The use of social media for marketing is practically inescapable at this point. And for good reason: companies gain access to increased visibility, more sales opportunities, and more opportunities to define their brand. But why limit your business to a few of the most well known options? The internet is full of useful social media […]

Using business intelligence to budget smart

Business Intelligence strategies have been utilized by company owners for decades, but only in today’s Internet-based market do they have access to all the information they need in one location. See how business owners can use their business intelligence technology to budget for the coming fiscal year. Compiling Data Across the Board Business Intelligence is […]

What’s the best way to verify user identity?

When it comes to protecting yourself and your business online, the type of authentication you use for logins, whether for business or for personal use, is vitally important. While many people understand that secure logins are crucial, the differences between the various security measures may be lost on many people. Before you give up on […]

Increase productivity with web monitoring

With YouTube, Reddit, and Instagram just a few clicks away, it’s a miracle you can get anything done during an eight-hour workday. As you’re probably well aware by now, there is a huge possibility for employees to waste precious time on sites not related to your business. This problem arises when a company does nothing […]

Facebook at Work improves communication

Facebook has been used by people to connect and share information for a long time. However, until now Facebook struggled to break into the world of business. The good news is that starting today, the launch of Facebook at Work will make it possible to incorporate social media into your company’s workflow. Take a look […]

Social engineering and personal security

The technology of crime is evolving, and criminals get smarter every day. But when technology proves too difficult to exploit, criminals resort to manipulating information from their targets via social engineering. This burgeoning field allows criminals to trick people into disclosing sensitive information such as passwords and bank information. If you’re worried about the ability […]

Grow your business with virtual reality

Besides looking like an early version of Cyclops from The X-Men, what’s with all the hype on virtual reality? How much of a difference can be made by slipping ourselves into a three-dimensional world? For businesses, operating with the same routine day in and day out can be quite monotonous for employees. Imagine if they […]

IT jargon: a glossary of cybersecurity terms

Everyone hates jargon. It’s ostracizing and off-putting, but somehow we just keep creating more and more of it. For those who have adopted an “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” philosophy, we have just the list for you. Let’s take a look at some of the most relevant cybersecurity terms making the rounds today. […]

LinkedIn Alumni improves how you network

Aside from having an up-to-date LinkedIn profile, there seems to be more waiting around than getting job interviews or receiving promotions. Why so? You’ve given all the relevant information needed to land a job, or to convince your boss that it’s time for you to step up the corporate ladder — but what else is […]

What can we learn from Delta’s IT outage?

Companies can pay a hefty sum if they ever experience any downtime. In fact, Delta Air Lines had a bad bout of severe downtime just last month. In just three days, the airline company cancelled 2300 scheduled flights and suffered $150 million in income loss. That doesn’t even account for the considerable reputational damage from […]